Kamis, 25 Januari 2024

(#47) Beat imposter syndrome, dominate 60-second shorts, and much more…

Trivia question: Which high-profile business executive has achieved immense success in the corporate world despite suffering from severe imposter syndrome?
Which high-profile business executive has achieved immense success in the corporate world despite suffering from severe imposter syndrome?

The answer is hidden somewhere in the newsletter! Check your answer at the bottom.
By The ClickFunnels Team January 25, 2024
Hey Funnel Hacker, 

Quick reminder, don't forget to ensure you're ready for Google and Yahoo's DMARC policy changes coming into effect on February 1st.

We've created a simple guide to follow with a simple video instructional here.

Get yourself prepped and ready for that, then join us back here because we've got a lot of gold to uncover today…
  • A 60-second Perfect Webinar short video framework
  • How to beat imposter syndrome
  • How to build a challenge landing page in under 60 minutes
  • A certified funnel builder's funnel to hack
  • A Funnel Hacker's 7 tips that helped them achieve success
If you want to build a large following without spending a dime on ads, this is for you…

Inner Circle member, Eric Thayne, has created a three-step process that you can use to dominate short videos on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

Here they are:

1. Start with the story of how you learned or earned the tips you're about to share (~15 seconds)

As you know, storytelling is an incredibly powerful tool as it creates a connection with the audience and makes your message relatable. It also captivates viewers and sets the stage for the value you're about to offer. 

2. Share your three secrets or tips (~10 seconds each)

After drawing in your audience, share three secrets or tips that provide the results your audience is seeking. This not only gives the audience a release of dopamine (increasing the likelihood of them sharing the video) it also lays the foundation of you as a knowledgeable source in your field and builds trust with your viewers.

3. Give a call to action (~15 seconds)

After providing valuable insights, direct your audience on what to do next. This could be inviting them to subscribe to your channel, visit your website, sign up for a newsletter, take advantage of a special offer, anything. 

Your CTA should be clear, concise, and compelling, encouraging viewers to engage further with your brand.

Give this a go, and if you want more powerful tips from Eric, you'll be able to watch his powerful Funnel Hacking Live talk if you sign up to watch the virtual FHL encore!

All you have to do is click here to sign up.

That will give you access to all of the secrets shared by Eric and all of the other experts from FHL.
Click the video above to find out more.

Entrepreneurs, especially those in the early stages of their ventures, often struggle with the feeling that they are not skilled or qualified enough to sell the products and services they want to sell.

For many, this feeling causes them to get stuck in information mode. They're forever gathering information to add to their product to make sure it is perfect before sharing it with the world.

For others, it causes them to procrastinate. They know what needs to be done but they always seem to find something else completely unrelated to do first.

For some, the feeling is so strong that it causes them to give up on their dream and settle for a life they're not passionate about.

So, how do we beat imposter syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome was first identified by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes in 1978.

It's not an official psychological disorder but a term that describes a pattern of behavior. 

Contrary to what many people share online, there is no one way to overcome it. 

Your best bet is to try a number of different solutions and see which one resonates with you the most. Here are some of the most effective:

Strategies to Beat Imposter Syndrome:

1. Offer your product or service to a trial group for free
This can build confidence by providing real-world feedback. It acts as a practical test of your offering, allowing you to see its value through others' experiences. 

As you witness the positive impact of your product or service, it reinforces your belief in its worth and your capabilities. Similarly, seeking beta testers or conducting focus groups can provide valuable insights and bolster confidence.

2. Come up with a strong reason why that supersedes the fear
Identifying a compelling reason that outweighs fear can be a powerful motivator. This could be a personal goal, a commitment to your family, or a vision of the impact you wish to make. 

By focusing on this overriding purpose, you're able to push past self-doubt and take action. 

3. Seek support in your peers
Engaging with peers can provide a sense of solidarity and understanding. They can offer reassurance, share their own experiences, and provide objective perspectives on your accomplishments. 

Communities like the ClickFunnels group, well-supported programs such as 2CCX, or professional networks serve as platforms for mutual support and can be especially beneficial for those battling imposter syndrome.

4. Give yourself positive affirmation
Repeating positive affirmations can reshape thinking patterns, reinforcing self-confidence and belief in your product's impact. 

Affirmations like "This adds value to people's lives", "My market are asking for this", or "I am capable and competent" help reframe negative thoughts. Journaling successes and reflecting on past achievements are similar methods that remind you of your capabilities and successes.

5. Read about others who suffer from imposter syndrome
Learning about others who have experienced and overcome imposter syndrome can be incredibly reassuring. It normalizes the experience and provides strategies for coping. 

Books, articles, or interviews featuring successful individuals discussing their struggles with imposter syndrome can offer inspiration and practical tips. 

6. Use proven stress reduction techniques
Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and yoga can help quiet that talkative part of your mind that often generates feelings of imposter syndrome. These techniques promote a state of calm and help you maintain a clear perspective.

7. Seek professional guidance
In cases where imposter syndrome significantly impacts your life, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor. 

In the same way you'd speak to a business coach about building a successful business or a health coach about improving your physical health, therapists and counselors can help improve your mental health. They can provide personalized strategies to understand and overcome these feelings.

The biggest steps you can take initially are first, recognizing you have imposter syndrome. If you find yourself procrastinating or stuck in information gathering mode, it's highly likely these are being driven by imposter syndrome. 

Recognizing you have it gives you something to tackle.

Then, understanding just how many people suffer from it. Even people you would never expect to have imposter syndrome have it. 

For example, Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, frequently discusses her struggles with imposter syndrome. 

For her, acknowledging one's achievements and understanding that feeling like an imposter is a shared experience among many successful people truly helps.

Ultimately, using all of the strategies will cause the biggest improvement. You 100% can reduce those feelings significantly, so start practicing them ASAP!

👀 James Curran has uncovered a cool new ClickFunnels feature
Check it out here.

👕 What do you think of this 'Every Day I'm Russellin'' t-shirt?
Have a look at Jeff Demers' design here.

🎁 Interested in learning more about the power of Payments AI?
Check out the in-depth blog post here.

❓ Would you like to build a challenge funnel with an offer in under 60 minutes?
Watch the Ambassadors' and hack their best designs here.

🗣️ Do you have any book recommendations on mindset, and belief-shifting? 
Share them with Joshua Blay and your fellow funnel hackers here.
The funnel this week is by a gentleman who has taken the Funnel Builder community by storm.

He has been a very close runner-up in both of the Certified Funnel Builder Design-A-Thon competitions and is proving to be very popular on the Funnel Builder Marketplace too.
Check out this funnel by Marchello Sciortino here

If you would like Marchello or another certified funnel builder to build a high-performing funnel for you, reach out to them on the marketplace here and tell them about your project.
Recently, we got to chat with Funnel Hacker Valentina Brega and discover her tips and advice that took her from a modest beginning in Eastern Europe to running a very successful virtual assistant hiring company in the US.

Val and her husband always dreamed of a better life outside of their native Moldova (known for being one of the least visited countries in Europe). 

Their drive was so strong they entered the Green Card Lottery every year for 13 years without success.

After so many years of not getting in, they were ready to give up. They committed to try one final time.

On the 14th attempt, they were offered a green card, and with $400 and a 2-month-old daughter, they set off for the US to make a better life for themselves.

Here's what helped Val achieve her goals…

1. Embrace your starting point and Keep moving forward no matter what obstacles are put in your way
Initially, Val faced the daunting challenge of finding employment in a new country. With no car or experience working in the US, finding someone willing to give her a chance was very difficult.

She simply kept applying for job after job until, after weeks of trying, a chance came her way. 

Val said, "I had this opportunity of working from home for a real estate company, and I said, well, this is perfect! 

"We didn't have anything when we moved here, no furniture or anything. I worked in the closet.

"I was sitting on one chair, and I had another chair in front of me that I put a box on for my laptop. I had to work in the closet with the door shut because my daughter would scream or she would be sleeping, and I had to take all of the calls.

"I had to work 50 hours a week to make ends meet, just cover the food and diapers. But, I was so hungry, I was like, I'm going to be the best employee this company has ever had."

2. Develop expert knowledge in your field, and the opportunities will come
"I read everything I could about real estate, marketing, and sales, and in three months, I was promoted from the person answering the phone to lead manager. 

"I was managing the lead as they came in, the follow-ups and everything. On top of that I had to hire people in my department.

"My daughter would go to sleep, and I would just look through hundreds and hundreds of resumés.

"In the beginning, I didn't always get it right. I hired some of the wrong people, but I quickly learned what I did wrong and what I did right.

"Eventually, I ended up building a very very good team, and we were getting excellent results.

"Suddenly, a lot of Real Estate Investors came to me and said hey can you do the same thing for my company? Can you consult us, can you help us get the same results? 

"I said well, I can find the right person for you and teach them everything I know, so that's what I did. That's how I started building my own company.

3. Find people with the same values and vision as you, and they will help you achieve your goals
"Little did I know how much that job opportunity would change my life. I found people who are my kind of people, my tribe. We just clicked on the core values, they talked about the vision and the books they read. I was like, these are the type of people I want to work with.

"Including my former boss, who has been my mentor. He's amazing, just such an inspiration, and was the person who introduced me to ClickFunnels."

"After I received the offers to help build teams for other businesses, I had his full support.

"I had his full support to start venturing on my own, and I didn't want to burn this bridge. I'm telling you, I really really met the most wonderful people and the most supporting people.

"I had a lot of people who I found along the way that helped me, said, 'What do you need? How can I help you get there?"

4. Focus on your customer avatar
"In the beginning, the biggest challenge that I had in finding new virtual assistants and talent was, and this is where Russell's knowledge comes into play, I was just talking to everyone, and I wasn't talking to anyone at the same time. 

"My mentor recommended I read Russell's Expert Secrets, and as soon as I did, I was like, wait a second, we're not going this right. Let's find out who our avatar is, let's find a framework.

"That's why I love this funnel hacker community, I love Funnel Hacking Live because I feel like Russell is speaking to me directly, and I realized that's not what I was doing in my marketing. 

"So once I discovered who my avatar was, it completely changed my business. This is our secret to how we find people that our customers are happy with. We found our avatar, and we direct all our marketing to them and put them in a funnel that gives us the perfect candidates."

5. Keep improving your product or service until it gets your customers the results they want
"With our talent sorting funnel, we've helped hundreds of companies find talent, whether it's here from the United States or all over the world.

"When virtual assistants and other talent apply to work with us, we reject 98% of candidates because they go through a skill analysis and different role plays to see their level of English, how they present themselves, and their confidence in certain situations.

"We developed the system that I used when I was with a real estate company and then tweaked and changed it until we finally got a system that works really well. 

"So now, when a company comes to us looking to hire talent, the first thing that we do is get on a call on a discovery call. I really want to understand where they are in their entrepreneurial journey. 

"Have they hired someone before? Are they just starting out? What issues have they had in the past working with virtual employees? What is holding them back from delegating their tasks? 

"A lot of people don't like to let go of control. They think no one else can be better than them, you know? They don't trust anybody else with the work, it's too good, it's too important. 

"But you would be surprised how many talented people we have placed that are just a complete game changer for businesses.

6. Offer A Premium Package 
"We also offer to train the virtual assistant in a specialized role. For example, if it's in a real estate company, I can train them on everything.

"A real estate company in San Diego just made $250,000 on one deal that virtual assistants found for them. So now they're hiring more highly trained VAs to scale their operation.

"We have placed virtual assistants who are the head of the fulfillment department. We have some who are in sales. They become experts in their field because one of our core values as a company is extreme ownership. 

"We take ownership of what we deliver, and I do the same with my team. If I trust them with a responsibility, they take it beyond what I would have done."

7. Have a strong why
"I have two daughters, and I want them to be proud of me and my husband because we work together in this business.

"I want them to see the value of hard work and the value of resistance and of persistence and not giving up and going through hardship because things are going to happen and you have to pivot and do things differently.

"I realize that we're not going to be around forever, so I want to make sure that my kids are independent, know how to have a good life and know what it really takes to see success.

"I also love seeing how much it changes the lives of the VAs we place. I remember my virtual assistant said, "I can't believe I bought an air conditioning unit for my apartment and now I'm gonna work very comfortably. I couldn't afford it before, and thanks to this job I can."

"I'm so grateful that she has found stability and can provide a better life for her family for herself. That has a big impact on me and is very rewarding.

"Also, what my husband said, whenever clients say that they get to unlock more free time to cast bigger visions, to grow, and spend more time with their family.

"They are delegating tasks and taking time off to go to their children's practice or other games.

Val's Bonus Tips:

Stay focused: "Did you see the movie, The Matrix? Do you remember the lady in the red dress? 

"There are going to be a lot of distractions. Don't focus on the lady in the red dress. I had a person that I worked with who said all the time, "Focus, keep your focus straight and know what you want." 

"Instead of saying, 'some people are having success with e-commerce, let's try e-commerce. And then, oh no, but somebody else had success with YouTube, let's try YouTube.'

"I wasted a lot of energy, and I wish I had put this energy into focusing on one path and getting good at it."

Keep going: "If anyone reading this is looking for a sign to keep going to, you know, persist, the persistence pays off. 

"Have you seen that meme with one person digging for diamonds and the other giving up right before they find them?

"It's so so true, and I think a lot of people have those moments when they're on the verge of quitting. Think to yourself, 'I'll try one more time.' That one time is when something happens, or you meet someone or that next step finally reveals itself and changes everything for you."
Find the best sources of information and study them again and again: "I really love reading books. In one year, I read maybe a hundred books, but when I started my business, I read just three books, but I didn't just read them I studied them. I read them, I went back, I read them again, I did all the exercises, and then went back and reviewed, okay what's not working, what's right? 

"When I read Expert Secrets the first time, I understood it in one way, but now, after going through some of the challenges and reading it again, I completely take new things out of that. 

"So even if you have read it, go through it again because you will uncover something that you need at this very moment in your business, it will speak to you in ways it hasn't spoken to you before. At least, that's been my experience.

You can find out more about Valentina and see how she's implementing everything she has learned on her Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or website.

As a final point, of all the funnel hackers who are having success, virtually every single one of them mentions the impact Expert Secrets had on them.

If you haven't read it yet, grab yourself a free copy here, and discover why this is one of the most recommended books online!

Find out more about it by clicking the video below:

Did you spot the answer? 

It was none other than Sheryl Sandberg. 

Despite being the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook, Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google and serving as Chief of Staff for the U.S. Treasury Department, Sheryl continued to experience imposter syndrome.

That's it for today!

We look forward to seeing you back here on Monday, as we have so much gold in store for you!

Have a great weekend,
-ClickFunnels Team
Not sure the best way to get started?  Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running.

Step #1 - Get The Funnel Books:
Step #2 - Get The Funnel Software: 
Step #3 - Online Training To Ignite Your Funnel:
Step #4 - Connect With The Community: 
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