Senin, 06 November 2023

(#24) Mr Beast’s image secret, Cialdini’s tips, and more…

Trivia question… What company, known for its
Which company, known for its sleek design and innovative technology, launched a clothing line in the 1980s?
The answer is at the bottom of the newsletter!
By The ClickFunnels Team November 6, 2023
Hey Funnel Hacker,

We have a lot of gold nuggets in store for you today!

Before we dive in…

In Thursday's newsletter, we shared the video of Jeff Walker explaining exactly how to use his Product Launch Formula.

What we didn't mention is that, alongside the video, you get a free PLF funnel template to install into your ClickFunnels account!

On Thursday, the template became available after the video finished. But now, it's available after 3 mins and 30 secs!

Check out Jeff's masterclass and grab that template here.

Then, let's go through this week's nuggets…
  • Do better graphics equal better conversion rates?
  • 3 tips to greatly increase your Instagram following
  • Expert's guide to store funnels
  • Robert Cialdini's top persuasion tips
  • A quick tip to dominate Black Friday sales
Recently in the newsletter, we've been touching upon the importance of high-quality copy. But something we haven't mentioned much is the power of images and graphics.

On 17 November 2022, Jimmy Donaldson achieved the Guinness World Record of "Most Subscribers for an Individual Male on YouTube" with his MrBeast channel at 112,193,139 subscribers.

When asked about this incredible success, Jimmy said one of his secrets is spending between $5,000-10,000 per thumbnail because "the thumbnail makes a difference between 50 million views or 200 million."

If a single thumbnail can make that much of a difference for Jimmy, imagine how images impact the opt-in rates and sign-ups for your products and services.

This is especially true for lead magnets. 

A survey by The Book Smugglers found that nearly 48% of their respondents purchased a book solely based on its cover.

If your product images don't trigger excitement and intrigue in your customers, updating them could increase your conversion rates significantly.
It's always tempting to have a go at creating these images yourself, but unless you're a seasoned artist, you will achieve better results by having a professional create something for you.

Two options we recommend are:

1. Hire a design expert from the Funnel Builder Marketplace
They have experts who have created 100's of game-changing designs for other Funnel Hackers.

2. Use the software Pyks to create what you need, fast
Pyks is a professional ecover creation software with done-for-you
designs by experts that can help you create exactly what you need in minutes.

Another place where great images are important is Instagram. If you're looking to boost your following (or create one from scratch), this is for you…

Upping your image game is step 1 to creating a big following. Here are 3 more tips to generate a wave of new followers:

1. Increase virality through controversy and polarization
Being polarizing can be a powerful way to cut through the noise on Instagram. 

Sharing your stance on relevant topics can spark conversation, attract attention, and encourage people to share your content.

However, don't be controversial for the sake of attention. People can spot this a mile off. You don't have to go over the top. More often than not, you can be polarizing simply by stating something you don't agree with.

2. Jump on news, trends, and challenges
Participate in trending challenges, use trending hashtags, and create content around breaking news within your niche. 

Being up-to-date not only shows your audience that you're a great source of info, but you will also ride the wave of searches happening at that time.

3. Do strategic collaborations and shoutouts
Collaborate with other Instagram users who have a significant following. This can be through shoutouts, co-hosted Instagram Lives, or shared projects. Each collaboration exposes you to your collaborator's audience.

When choosing collaborators, look beyond follower count; consider engagement rates and audience overlap to ensure you're reaching potential followers likely to be interested in your content.

Bonus: Offer Valuable Prizes
Last week we talked about using Fishbowl funnels to drive traffic to your funnel. You can do exactly the same thing to increase social media followers.

Offer bonus entries into your prize draw for people who also follow you on Instagram and you will see your follower numbers rise through the roof.

Remember, you don't have to break the bank to offer a prize people will love. We ran a giveaway a couple of weeks ago offering a bunch of cool swag, and the results were amazing.

The Ambassadors are doing a livestream all about Memberships
Wednesday (11/8) - 10 AM Mountain Time US

If you have an e-comm store, this is perfect for you. The Ambassadors are doing a deep dive mixed with an AMA (As Me Anything). So, if you'd like to get some great ideas and have your questions answered, keep an eye out for the livestream in the ClickFunnels Facebook group.
Charisma hacker, McCall Jones, is the guest on The ClickFunnels Radio Podcast
Thursday (11/9)

McCall helps entrepreneurs find their voice, unleash their charisma, and get better results from their videos. Tune in on Spotify or Apple Podcasts to learn her tools, tips, and techniques.
FHTV is doing something huge!
Monday (11/6), Tuesday (11/7) & Thursday (11/9)

All next week, Susan and Ben are covering the Inner Circle events on location, from Inner Circle For Life to private Atlas presentations, and bringing the gold back to everyone. But only if you're on the notification list! 

To get on the notification list, you can either subscribe on YouTube & ring the bell here OR text FHTV to 208-231-3797.
One of the most recommended books in the sales and marketing world is Robert Cialdini's book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion". 

Through his research, Cialdini identified six key principles of persuasion. 

If you've not read it, it's highly recommended because it will help improve conversion rates in every area of your business, from your opt-in pages to your webinars. 

If you have, look through the principles below and make a note of any you're not using as well as you could.

Here are the principles and examples of how you can start using them to increase conversions today:

1. Reciprocity: People feel obliged to give back to others who have given to them, whether it be with a gift, a service, or a kind gesture. 

Example: Offer a valuable freebie like an exclusive eBook or a mini-course to potential customers. When people receive something for free, they're more likely to feel compelled to engage with your services or purchase your product.

2. Commitment and Consistency: Once people commit to something, they are more likely to go through with it. 

Example: Use multi-step funnels that start with easy commitments, like a survey or free plus shipping offer, to draw users in. As users make these initial commitments, they're more likely to make bigger commitments further down the funnel.

3. Social Proof: People will look to others to determine their own actions, especially when the situation is ambiguous. 

Example: Showcase testimonials and case studies from successful customers of yours. New visitors are more likely to sign up when they see others like them succeeding.

4. Authority: People tend to obey authority figures or those who appear to have authority. 

Example: Position yourself or your brand as an authority by hosting webinars and publishing detailed guides on your funnel hub. Visitors are more likely to trust and buy from someone who demonstrates expertise.

5. Liking: People are easily persuaded by others that they like. This can be because of physical attractiveness, similarity, compliments, or a combination of factors. 

Example: Share information about yourself and your life and ask your customers about themselves in your emails to increase likeability. 

6. Scarcity: Items and opportunities are seen as more valuable as they become less available. 

Example: Create limited-time offers or exclusive bonuses for early sign-ups. The fear of missing out can encourage quicker decision-making and increase conversions.
Finally, if you're thinking of running a Black Friday sale, why not reward your existing customers with early access?

Come Black Friday, your customers are going to have offers coming at them thick and fast. So, not only does offering early access make your offer more prominent, but it also has a lot of implied scarcity...

Your customer is getting their pick of the offers before they sell out.

If you're offering digital products, be sure to limit the number available to drive scarcity even higher.

The company that had a clothing line was Apple! 

They launched their own clothing line in 1986 called 'The Apple Collection', which featured sweatshirts, shirts, t-shirts, tracksuits, trucker hats and accessories for men, women, and children.

That's it for today. A lot to unpack (not least that Apple once had a clothing line!) 

There are only 2 months left of the year, so see what actions you can take to reach a few more milestones for 2023. 

Then, join us back here on Thursday, when we'll discuss some of Dan Kennedy's top marketing and sales strategies, perfect webinars, and much more…

Have a great week!
-ClickFunnels Team
Not sure the best way to get started?  Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running.

Step #1 - Get The Funnel Books:
Step #2 - Get The Funnel Software: 
Step #3 - Online Training To Ignite Your Funnel:
Step #4 - Connect With The Community: 
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