Kamis, 08 Februari 2024

(#51) 22 Facebook ad stats, TED Talk tips, and much more…

Trivia question: What groundbreaking marketing campaign turned a simple dietary staple into a pop culture
What groundbreaking marketing campaign turned a simple dietary staple into a pop culture icon with the help of celebrities sporting a now-iconic mustache?

Check your answer at the bottom.
By The ClickFunnels Team February 8, 2024
Hey Funnel Hacker, 

Day two of Two Comma Club Live is well underway and funnel hackers all over the world have been sharing all of the gold they've been learning.

If you're watching it live, we hope you're absolutely loving all of the secrets and tactics you're uncovering!

If you didn't take the offer, you can still tune in and access the remaining sessions by signing up here.

There are people who implemented the secrets they learned at FHL and have seen huge success in their business.

If you're on the fence, take the leap and tune in here. You'll be glad you did.

Then, when you get a spare minute, head back here and let's go through the nuggets we've found for today…
  • 22 interesting Facebook ad stats
  • Insights from TED Talks on how to start a presentation
  • How the 2CCX box just made one funnel hacker $108,000
  • A funnel for a major new product to hack
  • Top tip from a 2CC winner
Given how important Facebook ads are for many funnel hackers, we thought it would be useful to pull together some interesting stats and benchmarks.

These should give you some ideas to boost your campaign results and also provide a benchmark to test your campaigns against.

Let's take a look…

Reported by Facebook

1. In 70% of tests, vertical ads have an incremental boost in brand lift and a 3 to 9 point increase in ad recall.

2. Instant Experience ads on Facebook load 15x faster than a mobile site outside of Facebook.

3. Facebook users are 1.5x more likely to watch video on their mobile devices than on desktop.

4. Tests conducted by Facebook found that adding captions to a video ad boosted view time by an average of 12%.

5. Facebook has found that 65% of users who view the first 3 seconds of a video will continue to watch it for at least 10 seconds. 45% of users will continue watching for 30 seconds.

Reported by Wordstream

6. One Wordstream study found that across all industries, the average click-through rate on Facebook ads is 0.90%.

7. The same study found that the average conversion rate on Facebook ads is 9.21%.

8. Legal has the highest average click-through rate out of any industry at 1.61%.

9. Employment & Job Training has the lowest click-through rates at 0.47%

Reported by AdEspresso

10. Cost-per-clicks are most expensive on Fridays and cheapest on Sundays.

11. In one experiment, they found that mobile ad placements outperformed desktop by over 45%.

12. One test found that changing the call-to-action from "Sign Up" to "Learn More" improved click-through rate on an ad by 22.5%.

13. However, the same test found that the "Sign Up" call-to-action resulted in a 14.5% higher conversion rate.

14. Facebook recommends making the image size on single image ads to be 1200 x 628 pixels.

15. Facebook recommends making the image size on carousel ads to be 1080 x 1080 pixels.

16. 5 power words to get a higher response from your ads: You, Free, Because, Instantly, New.

17. After analyzing 752,626 Facebook ads, AdEspresso found that the median length of the headline is 5 words.

18. The same analysis found that the average ad text contains 14 words.

Reported by Others

19. Blue Corona found that 85% of Facebook videos are consumed without audio.

20. AdRoll found that adding a call-to-action button to your Facebook ad boosts click-through rate by 2.85x.

21. Fit Small Business found that the average cost-per-click on Facebook is $1.86 and the average cost-per-thousand-views is $11.20.

22. HubSpot found that Facebook provides the highest return on investment of all paid channels for a majority of companies. More than 1 in 3 listed Facebook ads as their best performer in terms of ROI, ahead of Google Paid Search and Instagram.

Obviously, Facebook ads are still a powerful tool in your arsenal. 

Now you have the stats, if you want the tactics to leave these stats in the dust, get yourself a free copy of Traffic Secrets here.
You'll make those stats look like beginner metrics.

Millions of people all over the world love TED Talks. They share incredible stories and insights in under 18 minutes.

But, a question came up recently…

What sets the best Ted Talks apart from the rest?

And, after some digging, what we found was that one of the key features of a TED Talk that's watched by millions is a strong opening.

This makes sense because according to research published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal, "First impressions are formed within milliseconds." 

Someone will make a decision on whether or not they're going to watch your webinar/ad/short/YouTube video within the first few seconds.

This means the opening of your presentation is crucial if you're going to connect with your audience and ensure they stick around (and then hopefully share it with others).

That led to a second question…

What makes a great presentation opening?

What we found is that the most popular TED Talks all started with one of seven strategies (some utilized multiple).

Here are those seven and an example from a hugely popular talk:

1. A Personal Anecdote: Brené Brown - 'The Power of Vulnerability'

"A couple years ago, an event planner called me because I was going to do a speaking event. And she called, and she said, "I'm really struggling with how to write about you on the little flyer." And I thought, "Well, what's the struggle?" 

"And she said, "Well, I saw you speak, and I'm going to call you a researcher, I think, but I'm afraid if I call you a researcher, no one will come, because they'll think you're boring and irrelevant." And I was like, "Okay." 

"And she said, "But the thing I liked about your talk is you're a storyteller. So I think what I'll do is just call you a storyteller." And of course, the academic, insecure part of me was like, "You're going to call me a what?" 

"And she said, "I'm going to call you a storyteller." And I was like, "Why not 'magic pixie'?" I was like, "Let me think about this for a second." I tried to call deep on my courage. And I thought, you know, I am a storyteller. I'm a qualitative researcher. I collect stories; that's what I do. And maybe stories are just data with a soul. And maybe I'm just a storyteller. And so I said, "You know what? Why don't you just say I'm a researcher-storyteller." 

"And she went, "Ha ha. There's no such thing." So I'm a researcher-storyteller, and I'm going to talk to you today…"

2. A Shocking Statement: Pamela Meyer -
'How To Spot A Liar'

"Okay, now I don't want to alarm anybody in this room but it's just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar."

3. An Interesting Question: Dan Gilbert - 'The Surprising Science of Happiness'

"When you have 21 minutes to speak, two million years seems like a really long time, but evolutionarily, two million years is nothing. And yet, in two million years, the human brain has nearly tripled in mass, going from the one and a quarter pound brain of our ancestor, Homo Habilis, to the almost three pound meatloaf that everybody here has between their ears. 

"What is it about a big brain that nature was so eager for everyone of us to have one?"

4. A Bold Promise: Jane McGonigal - 'The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life'

"I'm a gamer so I like to have goals I like special missions and secret objectives so here's my special mission for this talk. 

"I'm going to try to increase the lifespan of every single person in this room by seven and a half minutes. 

"Literally you will live seven and a half minutes longer than you would have otherwise just because you watch this talk."

5. A Humorous Opening: Shawn Achor - 'The Happiness Advantage

"When I was seven years old, and my sister was just five years old, we were playing on top of a bunk bed. I was two years older than my sister at the time - I mean, I'm two years older than her now - but at the time, it meant she had to do everything that I wanted to do, and I wanted to play war. 

"So we were up on top of our bunk beds. And on one side of the bunk bed, I had put out all of my G.I. Joe soldiers and weaponry. And on the other side were all my sister's My Little Ponies ready for a cavalry charge. 

"There are differing accounts of what actually happened that afternoon, but since my sister is not here with us today, let me tell you the true story…"

6. An Intriguing Statement: Keith Barry - 'Brain Magic'

"Brain magic. What's brain magic all about? Brain magic to me indicates that area of magic dealing with psychological and mind-reading effects. 

"So unlike traditional magic, it uses the power of words, linguistic deception, non-verbal communication, and various other techniques to create the illusion of a sixth sense. 

"I'm going to show you all how easy it is to manipulate the human mind once you know how."

7. A Shocking Story: Ric Elias - '3 Things I Learned While My Plane Crashed'

"Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. 

"Well, I had a unique seat that day. I was sitting in 1D."

The next time you create some content, try using one or more of these strategies and see if it makes a difference.

Once you have a killer opening, remember the words of communication expert Dr. Alex Thompson: "An unforgettable presentation does more than inform; it transforms. It leverages the immediacy of first impressions, the allure of the unexpected, the power of personal stories, the warmth of humor, and the timeless structure of storytelling to create a moment of genuine connection and insight."

If you want the frameworks to achieve that, make sure you have these two things in your tool belt:

1. Expert Secrets (details every step of your webinar to ensure it converts like crazy). You can get a free copy here.

2. Perfect Webinar Secrets (goes into deeper detail about the Perfect Webinar and has a video masterclass of Russell breaking it down step-by-step). You can get that for only $7 here.


❓Any idea why would a working ad would suddenly stop working?
Share your advice with Justin Stenstrom here.

💸 The 2CCX box just made one funnel hacker $108,000 
Find out what Danno Hanfling discovered here.

👀 Interested in implementing the Linchpin model?
Alaric Ong just made a killing. See his strategy here.

🧑‍🏫 Do you know any good business coaches?
Philip Gillins looking for someone who can help take his marketing agency from $12k to $100k/month here.
🤔What are your favorite ClickFunnels (free or paid) resources?
Share your advice with Rahim Satsou here.
This recently released product from a huge brand starts with powerful imagery for the product and offers various bumps along the way.

Check out the funnel here.

Something that came to mind while scrolling through the landing page…

How much selling do you think this page does? Are buyers already sold before landing here? 

Something to think about…
Alex Lee started his journey to the Two Comma Club exactly where many funnel hackers start. So, when he received his award, he shared some insights that he felt helped immensely.

Over to Alex…

"I know there are a lot of people starting out in their journey here, and just know that I was in your position many years ago.

When I was starting out, I tried hundreds of methods on how to "make an online business work". Most of them didn't work.

But one thing did: I found the people who were where I wanted to be, and I reached out to them through their DMs. I kept my ego aside, and I did so in a respectful, open-minded and value-adding way.

All I wanted to do was to interview them on their successes, and share with them about myself and my business, and wanted to ask them questions to see if they could "point me in the right direction".

I reached out to over 100 people in this ClickFunnels group alone (I kept a "Dream 100" list of FunnelHackers I wanted to reach out to)
Most people did not reply to me because I was just a nobody.

Eventually someone replied to me and we got on Skype (This was a time before Zoom was popularized) and we just started talking about business (more of me asking him stuff, and him answering me. My lack of knowledge about business was very obvious).

He offered to show me his funnel and how he was making money online. He shared his screen and walked me through his entire process, from lead generation to sales conversion. He explained everything in detail and answered all my questions. I was blown away by how simple and effective his system was (eventually he became one of my mentors).

That was the day that changed my life. I was so grateful for the generosity and guidance from someone who was at a much higher level than me. I consider myself very lucky and I might've just been in the "right place, right time".

It took me several months of hard work, testing and optimizations, but once I got it down, I managed to scale my funnel to generate over $10M rev and got us the 2CCX award.

Credit to Russell Brunson, the ClickFunnels moderators and all the contributors here for consistently showing up and helping the FunnelHackers in need. They have no idea the impact they had on my life.

In the past, I did not have the habit of posting because I felt I didn't have any "results to show" or "value to add", but that was just my ego keeping myself safe.

If you've read till all this way, firstly, THANK YOU! I hope to see you at the next FHL and collecting your 2CC, 2CCX, or even 2CC-C Award!"

The iconic "Got Milk?" campaign, launched in 1993, turned milk into a pop culture icon. By featuring a wide array of celebrities adorned with a now-famous milk mustache, the campaign captured the nation's attention. In California alone, where the campaign originated, milk sales saw a remarkable increase of 7% in just one year.

Have a great weekend,
-ClickFunnels Team
Not sure the best way to get started?  Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running.

Step #1 - Get The Funnel Books:
Step #2 - Get The Funnel Software: 
Step #3 - Online Training To Ignite Your Funnel:
Step #4 - Connect With The Community: 
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