Senin, 21 Agustus 2023

ClickFunnels Newsletter #2

How to market like Nashville, 4 tips to 1M, and the answer to THAT question…
Newsletter #2: How to market like Nashville, 4 tips to 1M, and the answer to THAT question…
By The ClickFunnels Team August 21, 2023
Welcome back!

I hope you got lots of value from the gold nuggets last week because we've got plenty more coming your way today.

Speaking of gold, did you see Russell just released 'The Linchpin'

If you've read any of Russell's other books, you know this will contain insights that could be very valuable to you.

It's free (you just pay shipping), so grab your copy here.

Then, let's dive into this week's newsletter…
  • 4 tips to earn that first million
  • Marketing advice from the man who marketed Nashville
  • Should you invest in a press release?
  • How to win a free ticket to FHL
  • The highest-grossing funnel result
That first million is by far the toughest to make. It requires knowledge, skills, and a mentality that most have never had and likely none of their friends and family have (after all, most people think earning $1M is impossible for them). 

Below, 2 x 2CC winner Bruno Morris shares four tips that helped him in his million dollar journey.

"That first million is by far the toughest to make. But once you're there, it gets much easier to make the next million.

Celebrating the fact that we've made my second million through ClickFunnels, and I've just got approved for receiving my second 2 comma club award (thanks Russell and the whole CF team and community).

I realized that the second million is the easiest mainly because of the belief that you have about the framework/strategy you're using (in our case organic marketing + YT ads).

Believing that you can achieve it is probably 90% of the game, as it helps you to stay consistent.

It's not that different from working out:

If you go to the gym, you work out, and you come back and look at the mirror, you will see nothing.

If you work out the next day, get back and look in the mirror, and you will see nothing.

So you might think that there are clearly no results, we start thinking that it can't be measured, therefore is not effective, and we quit.

But If you commit to the regime, you trust the process and do an act of service.

You can screw up some days, eat a chocolate bar here and there, and skip a day. If you stick with it, I'm not exactly sure what day, but you will start getting results.

Working out 8 hours one day does NOT get you into shape... working out 30 mins every day gets you in shape.

It's not about the event, it's not about intensity, it's about consistency.

So here are four powerful tips that I recommend to remain consistent in your million dollar journey:

1️. Embrace Your Future Self: Visualize yourself as the successful person you aspire to become. Imagine the habits, mindset, and behaviors of someone who consistently achieves million-dollar results. Start living, thinking, and acting like that future self today.

2️. Rewrite Your Story: Let go of limiting beliefs and redefine your narrative. Embrace the belief that you are worthy of achieving your financial goals. Replace self-doubt with self-belief and affirmations that reinforce your commitment to consistency and success.

3️. Align with Your Values: Identify your core values and align them with your financial aspirations. When your actions are in harmony with your values, it becomes easier to stay consistent. Let your values guide your decisions and actions as you strive for financial abundance.

4️. Surround Yourself with Support: Seek out a supportive network of like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you. Connect with mentors, join communities, or engage in mastermind groups that share your commitment to consistent growth. Their support will fuel your journey.

By stepping into a new identity, you align yourself with the person who consistently achieves million-dollar results. Embrace this empowering shift, rewrite your story, and surround yourself with a supportive community. You'll find that staying consistent becomes second nature as you journey towards your million-dollar year!

Believe in yourself, take decisive action, and let your new identity propel you to incredible heights of success.

If I did it, as an Afro-Italian who couldn't speak English until 4 years ago, you can do it too.

Once you've gone through Bruno's four steps, one of the next things you'll need is lots of traffic. But what if you don't have a huge marketing budget? 

A press release could be the answer you've been looking for…

I read a post yesterday by Jouni Flemming, the creator of He said on October 27th, he spent $50 on a press release, and on October 31st, his app was featured in a major German computer news website called

This feature sent thousands of visitors to his site. And now, just six weeks later, he has just over 20,000 active users of his app.

For $50, it's worth a look, right?
It's also incredibly valuable to expose your mind to different examples of sales and marketing success. 

There is plenty of information about how entrepreneurs have built their information product or ecommerce business, but how about building a city?

A city is like any other product. It needs to be marketed and sold to visitors. Over the past 20 years, one individual has shaped Nashville, TN.

President and CEO of Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp Butch Spyridon, lead the charge on branding Nashville 'Music City', convinced the Oilers to move to Nashville and become the Titans, spearheaded the 'Let Freedom Sing' 4th July party (the biggest firework display in America), increased annual visitor spending in Nashville to a record $9.2B in 2022, and even helped a then unknown Taylor Swift land one of her very first gigs. 

I was lucky enough to sit down with him to find out his marketing strategy and secrets. Here are three pieces of gold I got from Butch:

1. Build things based on what customers will love, not what you think will earn the most money.

In 2003 the city that brought the world Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash and Taylor Swift seriously considered rebranding away from music.

A group of 140 business and civic leaders gathered to map out the future of Nashville branding. One of the more popular ideas was making Nashville the 'Health Care Capital'.

'Health Care Capital' might have been popular in the healthcare industry. You can see why many business owners that exist around Vanderbilt would have liked it, but let's be honest, it doesn't exactly get the juices flowing, does it?

Butch knew there was no way they could sell Health Care Capital as a tourism draw. People love to be entertained. Entertainment means music, sports, good food, fun times, and major events.

He was adamant that Music City would be a winning strategy. "We just had to do it differently," he said. "People still thought of Music City as 'Hee Haw.' We had to highlight the Fisk Jubilee Singers and songwriters and the cool side of our music industry."

2. Think outside the box and don't give in to fear.

Butch is always on the lookout for a major event to boost the city's profile and one day got an idea to host the NFL Draft in Nashville. 

The problem was the draft had been held in New York for the past 50 years, and they had no intention of moving it, least of all to 'Music City'.

"I just always saw the draft as it fit Nashville," Butch said. "It was a fan event. It was multi-day. So in 2011, I got the Titans to get us a meeting in New York. We made a day trip, called on the senior VP of events, his name was Frank Supovitz at the time. We took him to lunch and dropped that we'd like to bid on the draft.

"(Supovitz said), 'Well, we don't move it.' (I said), 'Well you should.' It was that kind of banter," Butch recalled. 

Butch went in with the mentality of, 'I know you don't move it, but we want to give you a reason to.'

Not long after, the NFL started considering the idea but were adamant if it was going to be hosted elsewhere, it would only be in a major city like Chicago or LA. Butch still put in a bid.

"I emailed Peter O'Reilley, who's the current senior VP, and said we'd like to bid," Butch said. "He said we're only going to go to Chicago or LA. I said, 'That's OK, we want to bid'. He said, 'As long as you know'. I said, 'Look, you can use our bid against the other cities if you want. I just want you to be thinking about us.'"

His persistence paid off.

In 2018, 7 years after that first meeting, Butch got the news that Nashville had been chosen to host the 2019 NFL Draft.

Rather than stick to the script, Nashville played to its strengths, transforming the traditional idea of the draft into a destination event with music.

The outcome?

600,000 fans came to watch, making it the biggest NFL Draft in history.
The previous record was 250K.

3. Always be thinking about the next big project.

The final piece of gold I got from Butch was to always be thinking about the next project.

After each success, many people in Nashville were ready to sit back and relax, but Butch was always thinking about the next big thing. "When we got the Titans, I was thinking about the draft. After the draft, it was the soccer World Cup." 

It's the same in business. Many business owners and entrepreneurs will get their first win and then take their foot off the gas instead of using the leverage from that win to fuel future projects.

Think about your next big project in terms of your value ladder or dramatic demonstrations. What could you do next? 

Should you be hosting a summit? Is the world waiting for your first book? Is it time you started partnering with major celebrities?

Take this newsletter for example, a great goal would be to reach 100,000 readers. If it does that, we'll have some real leverage for the next goal, which could be to start interviewing major players in the digital marketing space. 

Those interviews might get us to 500,000. At 500,000, maybe we'll start interviewing titans in the business world. Those interviews might get Netflix to come knocking at the door. Next thing you know, we might have a star on the Nashville Walk of Fame next to Butch's…

Garrett White is Going Live on FHTV!
Today @ 1 pm Mountain Time

Garrett is going to live to talk about the gold he'll be dropping this year at FHL. Head over to the ClickFunnels Facebook group to check that out.
Danny Walsh is hosting the Build an Agency Series
Every day @ 11 am Mountain Time

Business and funnel expert, Danny Walsh, is going to take you step-by-step through the process of building your own agency and making it a big success. That is taking place in the Facebook group too.
The Affiliate team are giving away 7 free tickets to FHL
The competition runs from Aug 10th to Sept 15th

This is big! If you want the chance to win a free ticket to Funnel Hacking Live, you need to get involved. 

All you have to do is register as an affiliate here and get 5 people to sign up for a ClickFunnels trial (genuine people only!). This will get you entered into the draw to win one of 5 tickets.

On top of that, the top affiliate for this competition wins 2 tickets, one of which has early access, which is reserved only for the high-level masterminds and almost guarantees you a spot at the front each day!

So, first register here, next join the affiliate Facebook group here, and then start getting people on the trial. Best of luck!
On Thursday, I asked who you thought had the highest-grossing funnels between the following:
  • Grant Cardone
  • Kylie Jenner
  • Tony Robbins
  • Tai Lopez
I've seen people talking about this in the group before, but I've never seen anyone guess the right answer.

The person with the highest grossing funnels is…


Tony and his team have had incredible success with funnels all across their business and are actually a long way ahead of the 2nd placed person.

Now, my question for Thursday's newsletter is…

What can you do to increase the conversion rates of your pages and get you moving towards being the highest-grossing person on ClickFunnels?

Have a productive week, and I'll see you on Thursday with the answer to that question, a little-known Google marketing tip, and some more nuggets to fuel your success.
Have a great week,
-ClickFunnels Team
Not sure the best way to get started?  Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running.

Step #1 - Get The Funnel Books:
Step #2 - Get The Funnel Software: 
Step #3 - Online Training To Ignite Your Funnel:
Step #4 - Connect With The Community: 
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