Hi Gordon,
The time of the year when the Super Bowl arrives is always a
fun and eventful time of the year.
People who don't even like football excitedly put together big
parties. They all sit down on their couches excited for the
big show.
And get this...
Most people are watching for the COMMERCIALS!
That's right.
And why?
Because they know big brands have spent millions on these
teeny ad spots. They know they will be entertained. They
know that there will be hype and that some companies will
try to push the boundaries a bit (a couple always do, think
GoDaddy this year. Yuck!)...
But something very interesting happened this year. During
the Super Bowl there was a complete blackout!
Total darkness.
Now while people were scrambling around and trying to
figure out how to fix this, a few companies were, and
note this, PREPARED FOR IT.
The most notable was Oreo. There has been huge buzz
all of the media about what they did.
(Please enable images)

The subject line for the above image was: Power Out? No Problem.
Reminding everyone that you can still dunk in the dark.
This practically no cost ad that they ran on Twitter during the power
outage generated WAY more value and buzz then their multi-
million dollar commercial ad.
The companies that were not prepared missed out big time.
They were left out in the dark.
Think about this in your own life and business. What happens
if you have a blackout in your life?
What if you lose your job?
What if unexpected expenses pop up?
What if "worst case scenario" actually happens?
Do you have a backup plan for that?
Are you confident in your families future?
All super important questions to think about.
What if you HAD a back-up plan in place
What if you had invested in yourself and had
built out a super stable income that was
generating upwards of 10k a month?
Talk about a game-changer.
Talk about a true feeling of security for your
That's what the I.M. Revolution Business
Model is all about.
Listen... Most people don't want you to get
your hands on this incredible information.
But I'm not most people.
And, I've removed ALL the risk so that you
can check it out today.
John Chow
P.S. Now is the time to decide to truly do something that can change the
rest of your life for the better. Don't wait until a blackout occurs. Then
it will be too late.
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options |
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