Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Are you spinning your wheels with SEO?

Hi Gordon,
It's amazing to me that people think that things like search engine 
optimization, social media and video marketing carry no cost. 
It's not completely your fault if you've fell into that trap (aka money 
pit). All the experts are trying to sell you on no cost traffic, siphoning 
tons of buyers from Google and Facebook, dominating the search 
engines at will, and all that other mess they're cramming down 
your throat. 
But just think about it for a second. What is your time worth to you? 
If you earn just 12.50 hr. at your job, that's $500 a week based on a 
40 hour workweek. 
Are you confident that every 40 hrs. you put into organic traffic building 
that you'll get more than $500 back? 
Probably not. 
I mean you can slave away day and night trying to rank in the search 
engines and see little to no success. And even if you do see success, 
then at a whim Google can slap your site right off the search engines 
whenever they feel like it. 
Then you're back at ground zero. 
That my friends is a risky business model. 
You've got to start thinking about your TIME INVESTMENT. 
Because simply put, time is money. 
Most of the pros don't tell you this (because they're not really pros), but 
if you have a website you want to get sales from, you'd be better off 
driving a bit of paid traffic to it first. 
Why's that? 
Well, you can spend a couple hundred bucks or less driving traffic to the 
site with minimum time investment involved, and then see if you get 
If you don't have any sales, then obviously you'd want to work on your 
site more so that it starts converting. Then you try the process again, 
and again, and again...until you make it work. 
Why on earth would you want to spend 100's of hours trying to drive 
organic traffic to something that doesn't get sales. 
Mucho bad move... 
It's not pretty, but these are the cold hard facts of business. The quicker 
you get them into your head the faster you'll succeed. 
And that's exactly what I want for you. 
The ideal solution would be to find a way to bypass all of the above. 
To have a killer website that already converts. To have an entire funnel 
of products, upsells, webinars and ad strategies that are already tested, 
proven to work for you, and simply ready for you to plug and play for all 
the profits. 
Now that would be cool right? 
There is a lot more I'd like to tell you but I can't do it all in this email. 
And most of it is all in this course called IM Revolution. 
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA

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