Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2019

ClickFunnels Weekly Roundup (Your FOMO Cure...)

FOMO CURE: Your Go-To Guide For All ClickFunnels News… So You Don't Miss Out!
What's up, Funnelhackers!

So a lot of people are talking about our NEW course and training hub, FunnelFlix.  

(And EVERYONE is talking about Jim's New Book!

There's the Tony Robbins Private Collection, OFA Challenge, Funnel U and countless others… 

Can you imagine the POWER of your earning potential if you watch just ONE of these courses or trainings, and apply it to your business?   

The best part about FunnelFlix?   

Remember, you're just one funnel away... 

Get The New 'Copywriting Secrets' Book For FREE…
Did you see the INSANE new book Jim Edwards is launching? 

The main reason why Funnel Hackers don't have success with their funnel is because they don't have good COPY…

That's why Jim Edwards wrote his new book, Copywriting Secrets!
And during launch week, he's actually GIVING COPIES AWAY FOR FREE (you just have to cover shipping).

Get your FREE copy of the Copywriting Secrets book and learn the simple 'Plug 'n' Play' copy formulas to get more leads, sales, subscribers, and fans... with NO experience required.

What Can FunnelFlix Do For You?
You've probably heard a ton of BUZZ about FunnelFlix, but maybe you're not quite sure what it is yet. Well, it's sort of like the Netflix of ClickFunnels training! 

I put together a really cool short video to explain exactly what FunnelFlix is, and why it will change the way you learn about business and marketing forever...

In fact, here's a quick peek at some of our collection inside FunnelFlix: 

Tony Robbins Private Collection

For over 4 decades, he's touched and transformed the lives of over 50 million people. Tony's teachings and seminars can empower you to perform at peak levels in life, business, relationships, building wealth, focus, health, and energy.

One Funnel Away Challenge Videos

ONE FUNNEL AWAY Videos can change your business…and your life. Allow me and two of my Two Comma Club coaches to help you build and launch your first (or next) funnel in just 30 Days!

Jay Abraham: The Anthology

Let Jay help you find the hidden assets and profits in your business. Jay's a true master when it comes to strategy, innovation, marketing, performance, and management. So when Jay has something to say or teach, listen.

Funnel U

This is one university where you won't be spending $50,000 on tuition. But one single training of our monthly 'video classroom' WILL deliver $50,000 in marketing education. Enter our 'secret laboratory' where we dissect, analyze, and compile the BEST of the BEST of funnel strategy, offers, split tests, special ClickFunnels code, maximizing sales, blueprints, scripts, and cheat sheets.

10X Secrets

This masterclass is not for the faint-hearted. You'll work your tail off during this training. I'm going to show you exactly how to create an irresistible offer, close like a pro, and make record sales from your live presentation. As a bonus, get 16 of my most successful webinars to swipe and deploy for your business.

Traffic Secrets

This is the Ultimate Grand Master's high-level class in all things traffic and conversion. Targeting? You got it. Tags and Keywords? Done. Media Buying? Snap. Discover how the pros dig into research, and how to hone in on your perfect audience.

The Warrior's Way Doctrine (Garrett J. White)

Struggling with your relationships, money, health, or finding joy in life? Garrett J. White guides you through the 4 pillars (The Foundation, The Code, The Stack, and The Core) to help you let go of the scarcity, beliefs, and behavior that's holding you back.

30 Days

You suddenly lose EVERYTHING in your business. You lose all your money, your list, products, your name, and your reputation. EVERYTHING. All you have left is a ClickFunnels account, Internet Access, a roof over your head, food in the fridge, and 30 days to make money. What would you do from Day 1 to Day 30 to Save yourself?

Affiliate Bootcamp

I asked my top-earning affiliates, "If you HAD to feed your family with nothing but your Affiliate Commissions and you only had 100 Days to turn this hobby Into your FULL TIME CAREER, what would you do each day for the next 100 days until you were full time?" Here's how they'd do it.
...and so many more courses available and more trainings coming soon!

But, the best part of FunnelFlix?

You don't have to pay anything to start watching! If you're a ClickFunnels user, you already have access to FunnelFlix, so just log in and start your training! If you're not a ClickFunnels user yet, you can still get started for $0! All you need to do is start your 14-day ClickFunnels Trial, and you can access FunnelFlix for FREE during your trial!
Are You Surrounded By The RIGHT People?

Why should you surround yourself with the right people? 

So, I talked with @stephjgilbert earlier about how important it is to surround yourself with people who are in opposite categories than you and why you should only bring in the best of the best to work with. ⠀  

Do you know anyone looking for A-players? 

By the way, if you aren't following me on social media yet, you can click any of the links below and follow me on your favorite social platform…
The Marketing Secrets Show
This show is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to learn how to market in a way that lets us get our message, our products, and our services, out to the world, and yet still remain profitable!
Recent Highlights
Episode #246: YES! Traffic Secrets is finally done!
It wasn't long into the LIVE Traffic Secrets reading before I knew something was wrong. My stomach started turning as I read into Section #2 (Section #1 was perfect, so this feeling kind of caught me off guard!) It was only good - NOT great. Part of me wanted to push forward. I had just gotten home from Fiji and we were preparing for our massive ClickFunnels announcement in just a few days. But I couldn't shake the feeling that Section #2 of Traffic Secrets needed to be rewritten, just DAYS before the final manuscript was supposed to go to the editor. Some people have asked me where that drive comes from, and why I don't move on when things are "good enough." So I decided to spill everything…
Episode #245: The IRONY of your naysayers...
I just have to laugh. Whenever you do a launch or promotion, you spend a TON of time, money, and resources to do it right...right? Which we just did for the Birthday Launch announcing The New ClickFunnels and FunnelFlix. You probably received daily emails and announcements and posts and teasers and podcasts and videos leading up to the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. We're MARKETERS. That's what we do. That's why you're a part of the ClickFunnels community. To learn strategy and how to sell with the BEST funnel platform and training out there. Your job is to GET THE WORD OUT and MAKE NOISE about your OFFER because you KNOW it will change lives. But it never fails. There are always those 'naysayers' who go out of their way to trash you for doing what you're SUPPOSED TO DO...MARKET! And guess what? These are the same naysayers who opted into your list, Facebook group, or bought from you so they could learn from you and your success! I mean, how goofy is that? 
Also, if you want to learn 99 Marketing Secrets That Will Change Your Business and Your Life, sign up for the Marketing Secrets Blackbook Here: Free Instant Access.
Funnel Hacker TV on YouTube
Subscribe to Funnel Hacker TV on YouTube and get instant access to great videos to help you build your business, pursue your goals, and achieve greatness. Also, make sure you check out the 5-part video series with Tai Lopez HERE.
EXPLAINER: What is ClickFunnels Platinum? What is FunnelFlix?
So many of you have been asking, just what is FunnelFlix? And what is ClickFunnels Platinum? So I created a quick video to explain just what that is so you as Funnel Hackers can get excited because I am excited for the future of ClickFunnels!

Here's What Happened This Week On Funnel Hacker Radio…
Why the Change… On this episode Dave talks about some of the big changes that are going to be happening to the Funnel Hacker Radio podcast, along with the reasons why the name was changed in the first place (and why it's now changing back), plus how the format of personal stories and advice will be mixed with expert "dream 100" interviews… Click here to listen!

Painful Power of the Finger of Scorn… On this episode, Dave talks about failure and the people who will point out every time something goes wrong. They don't understand what you are going through, and they are not willing to make the effort that you are to be successful. People will mock you for trying and failing, but at least you're trying… Click here to listen! 
Other Stuff You Shouldn't Miss!
Have You Seen The NEW Funnel Hacker Forum, Yet?
Check out the top conversations inside the new community...
Kevin Willis shared: Would love to see some of the preferred copywriting courses you have taken and find out what you like or dislike about them! I don't want to be a tease but I will anyway and tell you that the Agoura Copywriting course is crazy good (will be available with the Collective level) and another you HAVE to check out is Jim Edwards Copywriting Secrets…

Melinda Mayne wrote: I am a CF newbie! I have a vacation rental business with 35 individual properties. My goal is to increase bookings at our properties. We currently just drive traffic straight to our booking page (using Google Ads). But 98% of people leave without booking. We don't have a way to engage with these people or capture their email address to follow up (the booking system is provided by a third party and we don't have control over it). So, I'm thinking of building a funnel. My question is – what should the hook and offer be? 

Tomas Kieras said: Hi tribe. We have a product-based online business and we have our own website. Now Im planning to use clickfunnels to launch a new product. My question is: If I add my own domain to clickfunnels and then run adds on Facebook, when people will click on add, will it bring them to our website or they will land to clickfunnels landing sale page – OTO – Thank You page? Hope this makes sense.
And Last But Not Least…

Did You Get A Weird Email About Your ClickFunnels Account?  

We recently heard from several users who received emails that appeared to come from ClickFunnels. The emails said there was something wrong with their account and contained a link to a website that looked legitimate, but was not the official ClickFunnels site.  

While a bogus email like that can be startling, we are unaware of any evidence that your sensitive personal or business information has been compromised.    

This issue could result in the unauthorized acquisition of your ClickFunnels' account information, including usernames and passwords. But, ONLY if you click the link in the phishing email and entered your credentials on the fake website. 

We are continuing to investigate any new domains that the phishers may be using in order to take appropriate action. In the meantime, pay close attention to the address in emails from us, and double-check any links in the email to ensure they are going to only authentic ClickFunnels web sites.   

If you believe you have received a phishing email or are not sure whether you have or not, please forward it immediately to and we will include this information in our investigation. If you believe you entered your username and password on a bogus website, please contact us at and change your password immediately.
Russell Brunson
P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away... 
Not sure the best way to get started?  Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running.

Step #1 - Get The Funnel Books:
Step #2 - Get The Funnel Software: 
Step #3 - Online Training To Ignite Your Funnel:
Step #4 - Connect With The Community: 
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