Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

bootleg footage from FUNNEL HACKING LIVE...

and get your DISCOUNT TICKETS to next years event ASAP...
So, the past 4 days here at Funnel Hacking LIVE have been insane.  A few quick recaps..

1st) we raised OVER $1,000,000 for Operation Underground Railroad!

2nd) We gave away almost 100 NEW "Two Comma Club" awards...

3rd) 15 people got an "8 Figure Award"

4th) 3,000 people's lives were changed.  It was truly a life changing experience for me, and all of those who were here.  

So, with that said, Facebook, Social media and more have been BLOWING up, so wanted to give you access to some of the stuff you're asking for. 

Question #1 - HOW / WHERE can I get tickets for next years event!?!  

Answer - We opened up a page where you can pre-order tickets for next year.  We don't have a date or location yet, but if you get them in the next 48 hours, you get a $100 discount.  So go and get yours ASAP so you don't miss on on next years FHL.

Question #2 - HOW / WHERE can I help with Operation Underground Railroad

Answer - My BIGGEST goal is to shine a light on this darkness.  You can go and see the trailer for the documentary premiered at the event here:  See the O.U.R. documentary trailer now>>

Then please SHARE it with others, and you can donate to their cause on the thank you page.  Thank you in advance for your support. 

Question #3 - Is there ANYWAY I can see recordings from the event?  

Answer - while we don't sell recordings outside of the event (another HUGE reason why you NEED to get your tickets ASAP for next year) - we did stream one session... the session where we gave away almost 100 "two comma club" awards and 15 "8 figure" awards.  

This video should motivate you and give you a goal you can work torwards over the next 12 months before next years event.  

I've had so many intense emotions this week that I can't begin to describe…

...but I know this to be 100% true:

91 (256 total winners) walking across the FHL stage to accept their award is NO coincidence.

Every single one of them had the courage to say YES to themselves (and their business).

None of them started with a "perfect business".

ALL of these award winners have faced challenges, just like you.

Offer challenges… 
Lead generation challenges...
Profitability challenges…
Funnel structure challenges…
Scaling challenges…

No matter which business obstacle you're facing, there's an Award Winner walking across this stage right now who has had the same struggle, and overcame it.

I can promise you that.

So I want you to ask yourself ONE question:   
If 91 (256 total) winners are currently overcoming the same struggles that you're facing in your business (and walking across the FHL stage to accept their award)... 

...then what's possible for YOU? 
Russell Brunson
P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away... 
Not sure the best way to get started?  Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running.

Step #1 - Get The Funnel Books:
Step #2 - Get The Funnel Software: 
Step #3 - Online Training To Ignite Your Funnel:
Step #4 - Connect With The Community: 
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