Senin, 20 November 2017

Gordon, I bought the new Tesla Roadster!

Hi Gordon,

By now you must know that Tesla Motors showed off a new $250,000 Roadster at their semi truck unveil.

The new Roadster will be the quickest car in the world. It can go from 0 to 60mph in 1.9 seconds and has a top speed of over 250mph!

Had this car being shown off five years ago, my reaction would have been, "I wish I could afford it." However, thanks to the power of living the Dot Com Lifestyle, I'm buying it for cash!

Please enjoy the video I made on it. 

My new Roadster won’t be ready for delivery until 2020, so I need another car to buy while I wait. What should I get? Let me know in the comments!

Have a great day.


John Chow dot Com, 1130 Garden Drive, Vancouver, BC V5L 4P9, Canada

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