Selasa, 12 September 2017

The top-three ways to split-test with your online marketing

Hey Gordon,

If you want maximum results with your marketing, the best way to stretch your marketing dollars is with “split testing.”

The main reason people do marketing online is to get more website visitors, because it’s usually the best way to increase your sales.

But email marketing is just like any other sales—it’s a numbers game. And for every 100 visitors you get to your sales page, only about three people will actually buy something…

In other words, at least 97% of your marketing dollars are probably being wasted. That’s why you should try split testing, because it gives you a way to test your messages against each other, pick the best, and reap the rewards.

The ultimate goal is to convert more of your visitors into customers. So with that in mind, let me explain the top-three ways to split test with your online marketing…

1. Test Your Headlines

Your headline is one of the most important parts of every sales page, e-mail, and advertisement — because it’s always the very first thing people see.

And you only have about two-seconds before the reader moves on, so it’s very important to regularly test headlines against each other. The difference in results can be HUGE for your bottom line, so keep testing your headlines against other variations, until you finally have a winner.

2. Test Your Leads

The Lead is the first thing people see after your headline. It’s the opening section of the sales letter.

The goal of the lead is to put the prospect in a good mood, make a promise about your product, and then move the reader along towards the offer.

3. Test Your Offers

Your offer has the biggest impact on making you money. Your offer should show the prospect what he’s getting for his money, and why you’re the person he should buy from.

It’s important to test all the different versions of your sales page until you have the winning formula, then the revenue will follow. You must stay consistent, every single day, tracking your marketing results, and writing great offers that sell, and you’ll start making money soon.

And if you want to get more done, filter out distractions, and make more money in less time, I have a good opportunity for you…

How to go from an online “Rookie” to making a full-time income, working part-time, from anywhere.

This is the perfect system for beginners, because most of the work is Done For You. You don’t have to sell anything or cold-call people, you don’t have to build websites, and you don’t need any marketing experience.

In fact, I didn’t know anything about building websites when I got started, and I still don’t! I’ve been successful despite that, because this system doesn’t require tech skills.

The system was created by Steven Bransfield, a 22-year-old who went from having just $206 when he started — to $1,376,421.03 online commissions— in just two years. And he just released a free video explaining how you can do it too.

Watch the Free Video HERE. 

Talk Soon,



John Chow dot Com, 1130 Garden Drive, Vancouver, BC V5L 4P9, Canada

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