Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

How to avoid getting stuck in ‘Analysis Paral=?UTF-8?B?eXNpc+KAmQ==?=

Hi Gordon,

Here’s some of the best advice I could ever give you… 

The biggest mistake you can make as a new Affiliate Marketer is to get stuck in the learning acquisition mode.

But unfortunately, ‘Analysis Paralysis’ happens to most people who start with Affiliate Marketing.

According to, 'Analysis Paralysis' occurs when an individual becomes so lost in the process of examining and evaluating various points of data that he or she is unable to make a decision with it.

If I had to make a bet, I would guess that 90% of you right now are making the same mistake right now…

You think that in order to start earning more, you need to go and start learning more.

In fact, a large percentage of people in our industry do the wrong things when they first start. Many are educating themselves TOO MUCH.

Don't get me wrong - I value education— and I promote a lot of education products.

But too much learning is what causes “Analysis Paralysis.”

If you're always stuck in knowledge acquisition mode, at some point time is just going to pass you by. You're going to wake up six-months from now and you still haven't made any money.  

That’s when that negative voice starts talking in your head and you start thinking… "am I just wasting my time?  Does this internet marketing stuff really work?"

By the way, this is a natural tendency we all have because of the school system.

Most of us are raised from children to think the answer is always to 'learn more,' and learn enough so we don't make mistakes.

But the only way to become successful is to overcome the fear of failure, and start taking massive action.

The best advice I could give you, is to go and start making a lot of mistakes

The difference between success and failure, is failure. In other words, the people who make the most mistakes are the same ones who become the most successful.

So here's what you need to go do right now.

First, find a great offer to promote.  A simple product (digital or physical product, doesn't matter), and become an affiliate.

Then, write a 3 line ad.  Go find a platform you can place that ad on (eg. Facebook) and buy some clicks.

At the end of the day, it's all about getting qualified people in front of the offers. That's it. 

It’s time to stop learning (procrastinating), and its time to start doing.

Do the things that actually bring in money—promoting your offers.

This is one of the biggest lessons you'll learn in the new digital download, WiFi Millionaire.

Wi-Fi Millionaire clearly lays out your options for different home businesses, and gives you actionable tips and tools for getting more done (while having complete control over your schedule).

Before you know it, you’ll be using these productivity tips, filtering out distractions, and making more money in less time. In fact, some of the more experienced students are making thousands in only 30 minutes per day. Here's my results for the past 7 days.

Also, you don’t need to be a computer genius or have any special training or skills to do this. All you need is a willingness to implement what you learn. 

All This… For Less Than a Cup of Coffee

WiFi Millionaire only costs you $3… less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

But the real cost is not doing anything.

Claim your copy of Wi-Fi Millionaire NOW

Have a great weekend!


John Chow dot Com, 1130 Garden Drive, Vancouver, BC V5L 4P9, Canada

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