Senin, 04 April 2016

Don't be fooled by these 23 common traffic mistakes!

Hey Gordon,

I just finished watching a new video on 23 Traffic Getting Mistakes that are commonly occurring in online marketing businesses… and I have to admit… I'm making THREE of them (doh!)

You really need to watch this now.

This eye-opening video covers some very costly mistakes that online marketers are making when it comes to generating profitable traffic.
  • Find out if you're:
  • Wrecking your retargeting campaigns
  • Socializing your way to broke
  • Failing to measure (and respond to) KPIs
  • Creating brand confusion
  • Wasting dough on paid ads
  • And much, much more.
Pay special attention to #23 - Dayparting. Who even knew that was a thing?

Go watch this revealing video right now.


P.S. Don't worry- this isn't one of those videos that just shows you a bunch of mistakes and then sells you a pricey service to fix them. The tips and instructions you need to do it right are there too- so grab something to take notes while you watch this video!

John Chow dot Com, 1130 Garden Drive, Vancouver, BC V5L 4P9, Canada

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