Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

JC express to bypass the SMN Waiting List

Hi Gordon,

I will be quick - if you got put in the waiting list for the ShoeMoney Network the other day it was because you didn't follow my link.

If you try to go to the site directly you will be put in a waiting list.

Because PayPal has a limitation of sending out 10,000 single transactions a day,  Shoe limits the amounts of new students he has a day so he can make sure everyone gets paid in real time via PayPal.

I got Shoe to set aside PayPal payments for my readers so you can bypass the line.

If you did get stuck in the waiting list just go to help and tell them John Chow sent you.

Again here is the link to bypass the line and get on the John Chow express instant access:


Have a great weekend!


John Chow dot Com, 1130 Garden Drive, Vancouver, BC V5L 4P9, Canada

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