If You Ask Siri About 'Her,' She Throws Some Serious Shade, What Can Happen When A Plane Flies Through Ash, The Smartest Book About Our Digital Age Was Published In 1929, The Gladiator Sequel That Never Was, How The NSA (May Have) Put A Backdoor In One Of The World's Foremost Security Products | | | | | | YES, THOSE ARE REAL PEOPLE | |  | | Visitors gather at the China Ice and Snow World, after the official opening of the 15th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin, in northeast China's Heilongjiang province on January 5, 2014. Thousands of visitors braved temperatures of minus 27 degrees Celsius (-17 degrees Fahrenheit) to visit the Ice and Snow World, which features the theme "Global Ice and Snow Dream, World Cartoon Tour". Credit: GOH CHAI HIN/AFP/Getty Images/Newscom | | | | | | | |
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