Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

The final five

Hi Gordon,
I start out with 50 tickets to give away for the Home Business
Summit happening June 7-9 in Long Beach, California. I am
now down to the final five. Would you like one of them?
I am speaking at the Summit and I would love to meet you
and show you exactly how to make money in this business.  
How to claim your free ticket
Go to HomeBusinessSummit.biz and reserve your ticket. 
Then forward your confirmation to me as proof of purchase. 
I will send you back a confirmation. 
On the day of the Home Business Summit, bring your 
confirmation to me and I will give you $100 cash. 
You'll actually end up making money on this deal!
Why don't I just give you a free ticket? The answer is simple. 
When I gave out free tickets in the past, I found that half 
the people don't show up, and I end up paying for extra seats. 
By having people pay for the ticket first and then getting
the $100 at the event, I know they will be there. 
Sounds fair?
Then act now and secure your ticket. Remember, I only 
have five tickets left and once they're gone, they're gone! 
I look forward to seeing you at the Home Business Summit!
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA

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