Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Fwd: 40 years on the farm...

 Hi Gordon,
I wanted to forward this on.  It's an email from Matt Lloyd about choosing 
the right business model. 
Let me add a few points though first... 
You probably got into internet marketing because you liked the idea of being 
able to work it from home, not have a ton of employees, work your own hours, 
etc etc... 
But even in internet marketing, there's bad business models you want to stay 
away from. 
What worked 5 years ago... or even 1 year ago... does not necessarily work 
in todays online world. 
Here's the email - if you want to attend his live event (I'll be there) then 
register soon at the bottom, as they usually fill up very quickly... 
You may not know this about me... but, I grew up on a wheat and sheep farm in what 
you might call 'the outback of Australia' 
The local town had about 30 people in it (seriously). 
We had a small farm just outside of Town, that my parents still live on to this day. 
My father is about to turn 60 years old. 
To this day, he is still working 7 days a week on that farm. 
During harvest and seeding, he'll usually work 14 hours a day for maybe 8 weeks 
straight - often sleeping in his ute in the padock so at the first crack of dawn, he 
can get back to driving the machinery. 
And year after year... for as long as I can remember, I hear the same complaint: 
"This is a tough year, things aren't looking too good." 
A farm is a shitty business model. 
VERY high overheads... you spend a ton of cash to put the crop in, and, you don't 
get any of it back for almost a year later, after harvest. 
During that time, 1,000 things can go wrong to hurt those crops- bad weather being 
the main one. 
Why am I telling you this? 
Some business models suck. 
Now, contrast that farm, which my father has been working for the last 40 years... 
And compare it to my business. 
By the age of 25, my business has done over 2.5 million. 
My profit for a month is more than my parents farm could ever hope to make in an entire year. 
They've been running their business for 40 years... 
I've been running mine for less than 4 years. 
How do you explain the difference? 
Am I 10 times better at business than they are? 
I don't think so. 
Am I a lot smarter than my parents? 
No... I have their DNA, so I'm probably at a similar intelligence level. 
Do I have a much, much better business model? 
You bet. 
That is the single biggest difference - and I was lucky to discover it. 
Some business models are set up so you literally can't win - even after dedicating your 
life to them for 40 years. 
Other business models can take you from 700 bucks a month to having a company that 
churns out hundreds of thousands a month in revenue... in just a couple short years. 
Tonight, at 9pm, I want to show you what that business model is: 
Over 700 people have registered so far, my gotowebinar account holds 1,000 on the live 
call.  So try to show up 10 minutes early. 
The most important decision you ever make in your business life, will be about the 
business model you use to create your income and lifestyle. 
Don't choose the wrong one. 
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA

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