Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Your New AOL Network Screen Name

Thank you! Your registration for AOL Network Screen Name aboe2001 has been received. To complete the registration process, you must select one of the choices below. This will help us ensure your e-mail address is valid.

Yes, I made this request and want to register for this Screen Name enabled service

I did not make this request and I do not want my e-mail address registered with this Screen Name

Once the registration process is complete, you will then be able to use your new AOL Network Screen Name to access AOL Web products, including AIM and the new AIM Mail.

As a security precaution you will not be able to obtain or change your password or update your e-mail address until you confirm your registration. Upon confirmation you will receive a welcome message with helpful information.

Thank you,

AOL Network Screen Name Team

This e-mail has been sent from an e-mail address that is not monitored. Please do not reply to this message. We are unable to respond to any replies.

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