John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
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During my live webinar last Wednesday's on making money with the
Amazon Associates program, Chris made a special offer for his Niche
Profit Course.
This ten module video course takes the strategies and ideas discussed
in the webinar and breaks it down into easy to follow instructions.
If you want to cash in on this holidays with the Amazon Associates
programs, then I highly recommend you take a look at the Niche Profit
Chris has created some special bonuses for you to take advantage of.
They include a free $97 WordPress theme optimized for Amazon and a
nice discount for the first 100 students.
Go check it out now and start cashing in on this holiday season.
Happy Cyber Monday!
John Chow
PS - If you missed the live webinar, you can see a replay here:
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
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During Wednesday's making money with Amazon webinar, Chris
made a special offer for his Niche Profit Course. This ten module video
course takes the strategies and ideas discussed in the webinar and
breaks it down into easy to follow step by step instructions.
If you want to cash in on the holidays with the Amazon Associates
programs but feel you need some extra hand holding, then I highly
recommend you take the Niche Profit Course.
The course normally sells for $97 but Chris offered it for only $77
for everyone who was in the webinar.
In addition, he gave the first 100 students the affiliate optimized
WordPress Theme - Azon Theme - for free. The AZone theme regularly
sells for $97 and cost close to $2,000to develop.
As you no doubt guessed, they went pretty quick.
I talked to Chris today and he agreed to extend the offer to anyone
who wasn't able to make the webinar for whatever reason.
So, being among the second 100 to order the Niche Profit Course and
you'll get it for only $77 plus you'll get the $97 AZon theme for free.
After the 100 spots are gone, you can still buy the course for $77 but
the Azon theme will cost you $97 so don't delay. Take advantage now!
Happy Black Friday!
John Chow
PS - If you missed the webinar, you can see a replay here:
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
I've posted a replay of the live webinar I did with Chris Guthrie teaching
How To Cash In On The Holidays with Amazon Associates Program
on my blog.
You can watch it here =>
Happy Thanksgiving!
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
My webinar with Chris Guthrie on how to cash in on the holidays with
Amazon Associates is about to begin. You should log in now and take
your seat.
In the past 12 months, Chris has done nearly $1 Million dollars worth
of sales with and he'll show you exactly how he did it as
well as the techniques and methods he'll be using to cash in on the
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas shopping season.
We're in the room now so come on in!
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
My live webinar with Chris Guthrie on how to make money with the Amazon
Associates program is on tonight. Did you reserved your seat? If not, please
do it now because it's nearly full. We only have space for 1000 people and
we are at 943 right now.
Register here =>
During this webinar, Chris will be sharing the techniques and
methods he'll be using to cash in on the Black Friday, Cyber
Monday and Christmas shopping season with Amazon Associates.
In the past 12 months, Chris has done nearly $1 Million dollars worth
of sales with and he'll show you how you can do the same.
The webinar starts tonight at 6 PM PST and is free to attend but you
must register to reserve a seat. We only have 57 spots left.
Register here =>
See you tonight!
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Have you signed up for the live webinar that I'm hosting tomorrow
with Chris Guthrie on how to make money with Amazon associates?
If not, I urge you to do so now because space is running out.
During this webinar, Chris will be sharing the techniques and
methods he'll be using this week to cash in on the Black Friday, Cyber
Monday and Christmas shopping season.
In the past 12 months, Chris has done nearly $1 Million dollars worth
of sales with
There will be a Q&A at the at the end the webinar to answer any
questions you may have.
Register here =>
Title: How To Cash In On The Holidays with Amazon Associates
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
Cost: FREE!
Chris and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
I will be hosting a live webinar this Wednesday with Chris Guthrie
on how to make money with the Amazon associates program.
In the past 12 months, Chris has done nearly $1 Million dollars worth
of sales with
During this webinar, Chris will be sharing the techniques and
methods that he has used to generate such huge commissions with
the Amazon associates program. I will chime in with some tips of my
own as well.
With the holiday shopping season upon us, this webinar will
really help you to cash in on the Black Friday, Cyber Monday and
Christmas shopping season.
At the end the webinar, we will take some questions and answer them live.
Register here =>
Title: How To Cash In On The Holidays with Amazon Associates
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
Cost: FREE!
Space is limited so reserve your seat now to make sure you get in.
We'll see you on Wednesday!
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: |
I've just discovered this awesome system that is an absolute
must-have for any affiliate marketer, especially if you want better
result with less work:
Here's the best part: You get 20% off for the next seven days by
using the coupon code "JOHNCHOW".
Imagine if you can get free, viral traffic to your affiliate links
using social media sites like FaceBook and Twitter.
Plus, imagine if you can easily track and manage hundreds of
affiliate promotions from one central web-based software. Plus, it
will work with your WordPress blogs too.
That's exactly what the LinkTrackr software does!
- Cloak your affiliate links to prevent commission theft
- Track and manage unlimited affiliate links from one central
- Automatically convert keywords on your WordPress blog into your
affiliate links
- Track your affiliate conversions and increase your commissions
- Get free viral traffic from social media sites
- and much more..
Here's the link to it again:
Remember to use the coupon code JOHNCHOW to get 20% off. Valid for
the next seven days.
It's 100% web based and extremely easy to use. No technical
knowledge required.
From what I've seen so far, this is absolutely top-class. Highly
To your success.
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
If you haven't got your free copy of this
book yet, get it now. I reserved one for each of my valued
subscribers. My gift to you ...
The New Rich Manifesto <-- click to claim
Did you like the 4-Hour Workweek? Then you'll love this.
It takes you a little bit more behind the scenes of the "New
Rich" underground community and offers some deeper
insight into how these renegade Money Makers think and
act so that you can join them.
Have you ever wondered who the heck these people are
sitting at Starbucks all day on their laptops?
Has it ever made you scratch your head to see people
doing absolutely nothing during weekday work hours?
Does it make you crazy to see people driving around town
during the middle of the day (in growing numbers) when
"they should be at work!"? "And how the heck can this
many people afford BMW's and Mercedes???" you say!
These are the New Rich.
And this book exposes the revolution ...
The New Rich Manifesto <-- click to claim
How would you like to work only when you feel like it?
Can you imagine money coming into your accounts all
day every day while you're doing ... whatever?
Picture answering to no one; reporting to no one. Doing
only what you enjoy doing at all times.
How would that feel?
The Truth --> This isn't as simple as it sounds. Don't
believe the hype. There are certain things you absolutely
must know and do in order to make it a reality for yourself.
The New Rich Manifesto will do the trick.
Hurry up and grab your copy before they run out.
Talk soon.
p.s. Preston Ely is the author in case I didn't mention
that. He's giving The New Rich Manifesto away in
celebration of the upcoming release of Freedmo$oft
Reloaded. They go hand in hand.
The New Rich Manifesto <-- click to get
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
This is war, gordon.
The system is crumbling all around us. The "machine" that
has blinded the masses for centuries is breaking down before
our very eyes.
And we, The New Rich, are making it happen.
You Can Click Here To Join Us =>
The government is losing control and has nothing to offer
us anymore.
Social Security is bankrupt.
Corporate corruption on a wide spread scale has been
There are no more pensions.
401k's are a FOOL'S bet.
The media is losing it's grip on the minds of Americans.
And the New Rich are taking over.
Click Here to Join the Revolution =>
Prior to social media and peer-to-peer networks, it was
easy to fool us. All we had to go on was what they dished
out over the television and radio.
That game doesn't work anymore.
We are now united. We are connected. We are informed.
We are fed up.
And we are taking control.
The power has been transferred to the hands of the people.
The power has been transferred to YOU.
The wool that has been pulled over our eyes for so long
is now unraveling. And what we are seeing ... is a little
scary. For the average Joe who has been sucking at the
teat of "The System" for years, the prospect of having to
be personally responsible for himself is kinda freaky.
A new manifesto has just been released that you need
to read right this second. It will ease your fears and point
you in the right direction so that you can easily start taking
responsibility for your life and financial future.
Click Here To Get Your Hands on It =>
No one is going to do it for you anymore, <fname>. It's up
to you now. You are on your own.
This manifesto will equip you for the revolution. It's
already begun.
It's time for you to choose your side.
To Your Freedom,
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
It's closing today.
You've got until Midnight Eastern-US.
That means if you want to ride the local
marketing wave like the rest of us, today is
the last day to get in by going here...
==> NOTE: Payment Plan Announced!
Look, I understand if money is getting in the
way to make this happen for you...
Even though you want the fastest way to start
using the Internet to bring in money.
...without needing a website,
...without needing a product,
...without needing a list,
...while working from home in your spare time,
...and you only need a couple customers to
make a full-time, 5-figure income within
30 to 90 days.
So Kevin Wilke has decided to offer you his
full-blown training that will let you fire
your boss for good...
By offering easy installment payments!
Check out the details and see how it's totally
possible for you now:
We're SO confident this is going to quickly pay
off for you, and finally get you to where you
want to be financially... as soon as few months
from today.
So join us as you profit from the world of
doing simple online marketing for local
business owners.
At Midnight Eastern today they're taking down this page
and it will be replaced with a "Closed" sign:
If you want in... today is your last chance.
(And money will NOT be an excuse for you any
longer, promise!)
Every day we are having more members getting
their first clients and making an income.
Do you want to join them too?
To your success,
John Chow
P.S. Do you want to be like Brian?
Last year he had never made anything
online, was struggling and frustrated.
Then he joined the Local Business
In his first month he made $2,400.
In just his third month he made over
$5,000 a month and it kept getting
bigger and bigger.
What if that's the same for you too?
Check out the payment plan option so
now anyone can get in on this golden
opportunty. Get started today here:
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Wow! It happened again...
Last night's "Local Business Money & Freedom Machine" encore
webinar ROCKED.
If you missed it, they decided to put the recording
of the free training up for you on this page until
(They're only keeping it online until tomorrow, so
you'll want to get it today.)
At the very end, after over an hour of crazy good
training, Kevin spent a few minutes talking about
their new Financial Freedom Money Machine program.
That's where you get their complete step-by-step
training on getting clients, who are paying
you $1,000 to $5,000 a month, and how to do the
simple online marketing for them.
It shows you how to start making an income
within the next 30 days, and how you can
turn that into a full-time income over
the next 90 days.
Picture that, you can be making 6-figures a year,
with just 6 clients!
...without needing a website,
...without needing a product,
...without needing a list,
...while working from home in your spare time,
If that appeals to you...
First, there are ONLY 150 spots in their training
program, and quite a few of them filled up
last night. (That means it won't be available
much longer.)
Second, they shared this training with a small
group of people last month. Very quickly,
in just a couple weeks, they started to
get clients and see results.
People were making $1,500 their first month,
another $2,400 a month, one guy made $4,000
in his first few weeks.
And NONE of them had any previous online business
Clearly it works... and I'm confident it can
do the same for you.
If you want to be one of the 150 people, and
you want to start making an online income quickly,
then go to this page while its still open:
Best Regards,
John Chow
P.S. There are 2 "Fast Action" bonuses they added
one puts money into your pocket quickly.
The second shows you how to automate and
outsource your business so you have the
time freedom to only work part-time while
making your full-time income.
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
This is just a last minute reminder for the live
training details (the encore webinar on Local
Business marketing).
Get ready to see how doing simple, EASY online
marketing for small local businesses will make you
$1k to $5k a month with just a few clients, and you
can easily land your first client your first week.
Remove all distractions and come with an open mind.
It's now time your online business success turns
around for good.
You've got a few more minutes to get in on this now:
To your success,
John Chow
P.S. There will be a chance for you to get more full
training on this golden opportunity if you choose. The
details will be shared at the end of the free training.
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Get your notepad ready.
Get your mind ready.
Get your phone and computer ready.
Tonight's the night where Kevin Wilke shows you AGAIN
(due to the HUGE turnout and popular demand) how to
finally take advantage of arguably the most wide-open
Doing simple, EASY online marketing for small local
businesses, and begin making full-time cash with just
2 to 4 clients, no matter what town or country you live
(Register ASAP, the REPEAT training is TONIGHT!)
At exactly 7:00PM Eastern-US tonight, they're going to give
the webinar training ONCE MORE, where you'll learn:
...How to get local clients (and start making income)
in your first month without having to sell.
...How to get paid $1,000 to $5,000 a month
per client doing SIMPLE online marketing.
(The ULTIMATE Continuity Program)
...The 4-types of local businesses -- which ones
to avoid like the plague and which ones are GOLDEN.
...How to QUICKLY turn your clients into the DOMINATE
company in their local market online, making them
LOTS of money (meaning they pay you lots of money too.)
...How ONE letter can TRIPLE your client's results.
...How a couple small tweaks turns their "useless"
website into a lead generating money machine.
...Plus plenty of Real Life Examples and Case Studies
Registration will CLOSE shortly before the webinar
starts tonight (7:00PM Eastern), so sign up right now:
I'll see you there tonight...
To your success,
John Chow
P.S. The webinar is taking place ONE more time for
tonight at 7:00PM Eastern-US SHARP, because of the
massive turnout and huge demand from last
Does this REALLY work?
Last year they taught this to a small beta test
group, and most of them had NEVER done anything
online. Within the first 3 weeks, 41 people
already had 1 or more clients.
People were making $1,500 their first month,
another $2,400 a month, one guy made $4,000
in his first few weeks.
Obviously this works. And I'm guessing you
would like to get FAST results like that too.
If yes, go to this page immediately and tune
into today's repeat webinar:
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Look if you missed it last Thursday... well...
you may have missed out on probably the most
wide open way to make 5-figures monthly.
- You don't need a website,
- You don't need a product,
- You don't need a list,
- And you'll do it from home in your spare time.
And did you know you can outsource majority of
the work for as little as $1 to $3 an HOUR?!
The webinar showed you how:
Local small businesses are STARVING for your
help with online marketing, and they have little
to no competition for it.
Not to mention, this is a PROVEN way to get
the experience you need to finally have all
those things I mentioned, and make even MORE
money down the road...
63% of the US economy comes from these small
local businesses, so you'll not only make a ton
of money, but also be HELPING a lot of people.
Your business will be of such high value to
the local economy, you can only be proud and
feel good about it.
Consider yourself in luck because Kevin Wilke
(the expert on this training) is going to let
me offer you the training one more time at NO
It takes place tomorrow night at 7:00PM EASTERN-US
Go register NOW:
To your success,
John Chow
P.S. The free training is taking place ONE more time
tomorrow at 7:00PM Eastern-US SHARP, because of the
massive turnout and huge demand from Thursday.
Does this REALLY work?
Last year they taught this to a small beta test
group, and most of them had NEVER done anything
online. Within the first 3 weeks, 41 people
already had 1 or more clients.
People were making $1,500 their first month,
another $2,400 a month, one guy made $4,000
in his first few weeks.
Obviously this works. And I'm guessing you
would like to get FAST results like that too.
If yes, go to this page immediately and tune
into tomorrow's repeat webinar:
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
I am absolutely BLOWN away.
The response was SUCH an overwhelming success...
so due to popular demand, we're doing Kevin
Wilke's free webinar for you ONE MORE TIME this
coming Sunday.
And if you missed it last night, here's what you
He gave a provocative (and VERY insightful) answer
to the question:
"If I lost EVERYTHING....
and had to start from scratch, with no money,
no list, no website, no product and no contacts...
Exactly What Would I Do To
Create A 5-Figure Income
Within 30 To 90 Days!"
You've got ANOTHER chance to get this powerful
free training.
Go to the following page and register for the Nitro
Webinar ENCORE training happening again on Sunday:
Do it ASAP!
(This niche is too much of a golden opportunity for
Kevin to share it with everybody.)
The webinar is the only time he'll share this
information in public.
And because he's so excited to "come clean",
he's created 5 pre-webcast videos for you.
These videos are waiting for you as soon as you
register for the webinar at this site.
Register here today and see you again on Sunday's
To your success,
John Chow
P.S. We had to do it one more time. The response
and turn-out last night was overwhelming! Here's
your chance to get this free training again.
If you want to know the fastest way to start using
the Internet to bring in money...
...without needing a website,
...without needing a product,
...without needing a list,
...while working from home in your spare time,
...and you only need a couple customers to
make a full-time, 5-figure income.
Then this free webinar taking place this coming
Sunday is perfect for you:
P.P.S. Please tell at least 3 other people you
know to join in this no-charge Webinar so
they can start making a 5-figure income,
with no list, no website and no product
this year too.
Tell them to register here while there is
still time:
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Get ready. It happens tonight...
If you want to know the fastest way to start using
the Internet to bring in money...
...without needing a website,
...without needing a product,
...without needing a list,
...while working from home in your spare time,
...and you only need a couple customers to
make a full-time, 5-figure income.
Then this is for you:
Just go here today to register and get the access
details before the webinar starts.
(It's at 9:00PM Eastern-US tonight, Thursday).
You're going to discover...
...How YOU can start doing simple, EASY online
marketing (stuff you ALREADY know how to do) for
small local businesses, and begin making full-time
cash, no matter what town or country you live in.
...How to get clients (and start making income)
in your first month without having to sell.
...How to get paid $1,000 to $5,000 a month
per client doing SIMPLE online marketing.
(The ULTIMATE Continuity Program)
...How to outsource almost ALL the work (if you
choose to) for as little as $1 to $3 an HOUR!
...The 4-types of local businesses -- which ones
to avoid like the plague and which ones are GOLDEN.
...How to QUICKLY turn your clients into the DOMINATE
company in their local market online, making them
LOTS of money (meaning they pay you lots of money too.)
...How ONE letter can TRIPLE your client's results.
...How a couple small tweaks turns their "useless"
website into a lead generating money machine.
...Plus plenty of Real Life Examples and Case Studies
Reserve your spot on this webinar while there is
still time right here:
To your success,
John Chow
P.S. Does this REALLY work?
Last year they taught this to a small beta test group,
and most of them had NEVER done anything online.
Within the first 3 weeks, 41 people already
had 1 or more clients.
People were making $1,500 their first month,
another $2,400 a month, one guy made $4,000
in his first few weeks.
Obviously this works. And I'm guessing you
would like to get FAST results like that too.
If yes, go to this page today and tune into
tonight's webinar...
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
I emailed you yesterday about a niche that so
few people are in, and yet so HUGE, it's like a
gold mine just staring at you.
Let me fill you in...
Did you know that 63% of the US economy comes
from small local businesses?
Imagine being paid $1,000 to $5,000 EVERY month
PER client (meaning the ULTIMATE continuity)
for doing SIMPLE online marketing for an offline
business in your area (or any other town).
There's almost no competition right now, with an
18 to 24 month window of opportunity where you
can take advantage of it easily.
Wouldn't that be amazing... to be making a five-
figure, full-time income with only a couple
Does that seem almost impossible?
When you join the free webinar training by
Kevin Wilke here:
Sometimes it seems that the guru only cares to make
money, and it's a win/lose situation...
What's great about this is that it's a win/win/win.
It's great for you since it makes you money, the
local business wins for your help, and it's a
win for your client's customers because can now
easily find your client's service or products.
Everyone wins!
And you'll quickly see how it's not only possible,
but actually one of the BIGGEST, FASTEST and most
LUCRATIVE opportunity available to online marketers
like you and me.
Webinar Reveals All...
This coming Thursday, Kevin Wilke is holding a
HUGE webinar to show you exactly how he -- and
his students -- are making a fortune doing simple
online marketing for offline business... so you
can too.
The training will show you useful content on
exactly how it's done.
If you haven't already done so register for the
webinar today at:
To your success,
John Chow
P.S. Does this REALLY work?
Last year he taught this to a small beta test group,
and most of them had NEVER done anything online.
Within the first 3 weeks, 41 people already
had 1 or more clients.
They were making $1,500 their first month,
another $2,400 a month, one guy made
$4,000 in his first few weeks.
And NONE of them had any previous
online business experience.
Obviously this works. And I'm guessing you
would like to get FAST results like that too.
If yes, go to this page today...
P.P.S. Please tell at least 3 other people
you know to join in this no-charge Webinar so
they can start making a 5-figure income,
with no list, no website and no product
this year too.
Tell them to register here while there is still time:
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Have you wondered what the most successful people
would do if they had to start all over again?
When you go to the following page, Kevin Wilke
of Nitro Marketing, on a free webinar training
answers the question...
"If I lost EVERYTHING....
and had to start from scratch, with no money,
no list, no website, no product and no contacts...
Exactly What Would I Do To
Create A 5-Figure Income
Within 30 To 90 Days!"
And... the answer is going to really SURPRISE you!
He's been quitely sharing this with a few people
in the past year... and EVERY single person
he told begged him to tell them more.
He first taught it to a small group of people,
and within three weeks 41 of them were already
bringing in money. Obviously this works.
This webinar is the only time he'll share
it with you.
Even better, he's also giving away 5 pre-webcast
videos for you.
They're all waiting for you as soon as you register
for the webinar at this site.
I'm going to be tuning in right along with you.
Reserve your spot while there is still room at
Best Regards,
John Chow
P.S. What's the absolute easiest niche to get into
that will let you start making $1k to $5k a month
in the fastest time possible? Believe me, it's NOT
what or 'WHERE' you're thinking. Sign up for the
complimentary webinar to get your answer:
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
I like to introduce you to Infolinks. They are my new in-text ad provider. They
help my blog make a lot of money and I think they can help your blog make
a lot of money as well.
Infolinks serves those double underline links you see on my blog. When a reader
mouse over the link, a relavent ad displays. When the mouse is moved away, the
ad disappear. Like Google AdSense, you make money when readers click on the
The nice thing about Infolinks is that it allows you to make money without taking
up or replacing any current advertising space. It's like getting free money!
I was an early adapter to in-text advertising because I didn't want to solely rely
on AdSense. Google allows Infolinks ads to run along side AdSense ads. If you're
looking to diversify your blog income, Infolinks ads are far and away the best
accompaniment to Google AdSense.
What makes Infolinks stand out is they offer the highest revenue share in the
industry. Other in-text ad providers give only 40% to 50% revenue share. Infolinks
will give you 70% and they'll give it to you no matter what size your site is.
With Infolinks, you can get the same revenue share as a site getting over 10 million
page views a month, which is what other in-text ad providers want in order to
give that high a rev-share.
In addition to the 70% payout, if you sign up through my link, you will automatically
be allowed to take advantage of all of the premium ads that other in-text companies
normally reserve for bigger sites.
Infolinks is the only in-text company to utilize a 3rd party to verify the quality of
your traffic. If you're still trying to build your brand, not being giving the same
chance at higher paying advertisers can be frustrating. I can help you with that!
Not only do you get the highest payout, you will get access to the higher paying
ads as well.
In addition, if you have a lot of international or non English speaking traffic, Infolink
will welcome you. Infolinks has become the unquestioned leader in monetizing
international traffic with the highest paying advertisers for traffic generated outside
the US.
No matter if your website is in English, Spanish, French or German or if readers
are coming from places outside the US, Infolinks can monetize it.
Getting Infolinks up and running takes only a minute. All you have to do is go sign
up and then install a small piece of code onto your blog. If you're running
WordPress (or Blogger, Joomla or Drupal), Infolinks has a plugin that will do all
the setup for you.
You could literally be making money within a few minutes of signing up!
Infolinks is completely free to join and there are no long term contracts to sign.
You can try Infolinks on your blog and if it doesn't make you money, then just
remove it.
However, I'm sure you'll find Infolinks to be one of your best money makers.
And by signing up via my partnership with Infolinks, you'll gain access all those
high paying premium ads that are normally reserved for big publishers.
Just put "From John Chow dot Com" in the comments of the Infolinks application
and my Infolinks rep will take care of you.
Good luck and I'll talk to you soon.
John Chow
John Chow,Inc. 19-7060 Bridge Street, Richmond, BC V6Y 2S7, CANADA
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